October 2, 2012 Werewolf Ride? Cancelled!

Drat!  Werewolf ride is cancelled.  I’m not feeling too comfortable riding in the little bit of rain plus increasing fog that is forecast.   Sorry!  Lemme know if anyone wants to zip around town tomorrow night.  Thanks!
Sorry everyone,  Premium Rush is out of theaters and headed to video and my schedule has changed…   Can we meet Tuesday the 2nd,  7:30 Denville clock tower?  We can set out on one of the Denville Classic rides or make things up as we go along.  We will have a fun ride.   Hope you can make it!
Who wants to ride to a movie theater on Friday September 28th or Sunday the 30th to see Premium Rush?  I know that as riders we have little in common with fixed gear, big city riding, renegade messengers but the movie is supposed to be pretty decent.  I hear the cycling action scenes are very good.  Assuming a 6-8 week run, the movie should still be out but I will keep the plans loose in case there is no showtime/theater that works out.  We could go on a little wolf ride before or after the movie.   What do you think?

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